
Pawnshop Cash Flow Versus Profit

In the pawn business today, we hear lots of discussion about cash flow instead of profitability and if you are not careful, you can cash flow yourself right out of business.  The reason we can [...]

Pawnshop Consulting Layaway

To say that 2020, 2021, and even 2022 have been different for pawnshops would be an understatement! As pawnbrokers you had to change and adapt to survive and we made those changes with you. [...]

Stop Procrastinating

I Need to Think About that Rolex! “I need to think about where I can get the money to afford that loan amount for you sir”.  No pawnbroker would every say that to a customer [...]

Pawnshop Consulting Clients

For the past three weeks, Devoted Pawn Consulting has been racking up the frequent traveler miles.   In addition to what we think is the best pawnshop consulting in the world, our clients all shared one [...]

All We Want for the Holidays is…..

All We Want For The Holiday Season is..... ......Is that our clients to see increases in retails sales upwards of 30%, increases of gross profit on those sales of around 10%, increases of service and [...]

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