All We Want for the Holidays is…..

All We Want For The Holiday Season is..... ......Is that our clients to see increases in retails sales upwards of 30%, increases of gross profit on those sales of around 10%, increases of service and interest charges of 20-30% and even your pawn balance can see growth of 20-30% in retail sales seasons.   These are [...]

All We Want for the Holidays is…..2020-11-02T16:13:42+00:00

Waiting is Losing

While you are waiting for Covid-19 to end, your competition is re-inventing ways to take your pawn customers. You are fighting not only other pawnshop competitors, but online and second hand competitors and gold buying sharks.  You can continue to wait, or you can take actions and find out what our clients know already and [...]

Waiting is Losing2020-08-05T15:59:42+00:00

Want To Net More on the Sale of Your Pawnshop?

We want to help you sell your pawnshops for the highest price around while paying the least amount of taxes legally possible!  We can cut out up to 93% of taxes owed and put that money back in your pocket.   Capital gains taxes apply to the sale of capital assets for profit (especially businesses and [...]

Want To Net More on the Sale of Your Pawnshop?2024-04-23T15:12:33+00:00

Pawnshop Consulting Services- Cost Savings Review

Continuing in our weekly series on what services we include in every Pawnshop Consulting packages, this week we are going to cover why we also include a Cost Savings Review with all of our clients.  We feel this is so important for several reasons.  First, there are companies out there where this is there full-time [...]

Pawnshop Consulting Services- Cost Savings Review2020-04-17T00:31:00+00:00

Services-Hands-on Pawnbroker & Sales Training

As promised, we wanted to deliver the first in a series of blogs that discusses each of the major elements that are included in each and every Devoted Pawn Consulting Service Packages.  We could not think of a better subject to begin with than the hands training that we give each and every client and [...]

Services-Hands-on Pawnbroker & Sales Training2020-01-28T02:43:06+00:00

Pawnshop Consulting-Changes for 2020

At Devoted Pawn Consulting we train that you must be changing and adapting to survive in this industry, and we as a company are no different.  In November and December, we tested some new ways to do business with each and every new customer and the results were astounding.  Those tests, along with feedback and [...]

Pawnshop Consulting-Changes for 20202020-11-03T15:34:04+00:00
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